During recent decades, the duties and care rendered by Swedish dental
hygienists have continuously expanded, and since 1991 they are license
d to practice dental hygiene independently. The aim of the present stu
dy was to investigate the accuracy of dental hygienists in examining a
nd recording dental caries in comparison with dentists performing iden
tical examinations. The study including two parts A) Registration of c
arious lesions from radiographs of 100 extracted teeth, where the corr
ect diagnosis could be verified, and B) clinical examination and regis
tration of carious lesions in 213 patients. No statistically significa
nt differences could be found between the dental hygienists' and their
control dentists' accuracy to diagnose and record dental decay, with
the exception of the number of initial lesions (white spot lesions) re
gistered clinically, where the dental hygienists recorded more buccal
and lingual lesions. Irrespective of the group of examiners (dental hy
gienists or dentists), however, the inter-examiner variation was wide.
The variation decreased with the size of the lesion and increased wit
h the age of the patient. This study suggests that no patient with a r
estorative treatment need would have been neglected if the dental hygi
enists had performed the examination, and, possibly, a more accurate n
on-restorative treatment need would have been addressed.