Vernier acuity is susceptible to degradation by image motion, The purp
ose of this study was to determine to what extent vernier thresholds a
re elevated in the presence of image motion because of reduced stimulu
s visibility, due to contrast smearing, or to a shift in the spatial s
cale of analysis. To test the visibility hypothesis, we measured verni
er thresholds as a function of stimulus velocity (0-6 deg/sec), for va
rious levels of stimulus visibility, each normalized to the detection
threshold at the respective velocity, Contrary to the prediction of th
e visibility hypothesis, vernier thresholds worsen as the velocity inc
reases, even when the stimuli are equally visible. To test the shift i
n spatial scale hypothesis, we determined spatial frequency tuning fun
ctions for vernier discrimination and line detection tasks, using a ma
sking paradigm. We measured vernier and line detection thresholds as a
function of spatial frequency of a sine-wave mask (0.5-32 c/deg), and
for stimulus and mask velocities ranging from 0 to 4 deg/sec. Peak ma
sking for both vernier discrimination and line detection, which indica
tes the most sensitive band of spatial frequencies for each task, shif
ts systematically toward lower spatial frequencies as the velocity inc
reases. The progressive increase in spatial scale largely accounts for
the worsening of vernier thresholds for moving stimuli. Differences b
etween peak masking for vernier discrimination and line detection were
found at 0 and 1 deg/sec, suggesting that different mechanisms mediat
e the two tasks, at least at low velocities. The masking results are c
onsistent with previous findings that directionally selective motion d
etectors mediate detection of moving stimuli, but suggest that these d
etectors do not analyze vernier offsets, We conclude that the elevatio
n of vernier threshold for a moving stimulus is accounted for primaril
y by a shift of sensitivity to mechanisms of lower spatial frequency,
and not by decreased stimulus visibility. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier
Science Ltd.