Currarino's triad is a rare complex of a congenital sacral bony abnorm
ality, anorectal malformation and a presacral mass. Intractable consti
pation since birth is the leading symptom of this triad, which follows
an autosomal dominant mode of heredity. We report conventional radiog
raphic and MR findings in one family consisting of a mother and her tw
o daughters. In all three cases, radiography revealed an abnormality o
f the os sacrum, the so-called scimitar sacrum. MR examination, undert
aken next in our institution, was applied with T1-, T2- and proton den
sity weighted sequences in all three orientations before and after i.v
. application of gadolinium diethylene-triamine-pentaacetic acid (Gd-D
TPA), In two patients ve were able to diagnose the complete form of th
e triad and in one patient an incomplete form. In any case of a radiog
raphically diagnosed scimitar sacrum in combination with constipation,
Currarino's triad should be considered. MRI, as the method of choice,
should be the next step to detect a presacral mass and any anomalies
of the spinal canal. The importance of early recognition lies in the h
igh morbidity and mortality rates resulting from this disorder.