A number of proteins have been identified that typically accumulate in
plants in response to any environmental stimulus that has a dehydrati
ve component or is temporally associated with dehydration. This includ
es drought, low temperature, salinity and seed maturation. Among the i
nduced proteins, dehydrins (late embryogenesis abundant [LEA] D-11 fam
ily) have been the most commonly observed, yet we still have an incomp
lete knowledge of their fundamental biochemical role in the cell. Curr
ent research trends an changing this situation; immunolocalization and
in vitro biochemical analyses are, through analogies to other more fu
lly characterized proteins and molecules, shaping our understanding. I
n brief, dehydrins may be structure stabilizers with detergent and cha
perone-like properties and an array of nuclear and cytoplasmic targets
. Recent progress on the mapping of dhn genes and the inheritance of f
reezing tolerance in barley and other Triticeae species tentatively po
ints to dehydrins as key components of dehydration tolerance.