A three-dimensional model is used to simulate the global tropospheric
distributions of dimethylsulfide (DMS), SO2, SO42-, and methanesulfoni
c acid(MSA). The model uses meteorological input from a general circul
ation model (GCM) developed at the Goddard Institute of Space Studies
(GISS) with 4 degrees x 5 degrees horizontal resolution, nine layers i
n the vertical, and a time resolution of 4 hours. Model results are co
mpared with observations from surface sites, ships, and aircraft. The
model reproduces generally to within 30% the observed SO2 and SO42- co
ncentrations over the United States and Europe; these concentrations a
re highly sensitive to the supply of H2O2 as an in-cloud SO2 oxidant.
Sulfate concentrations and wet deposition fluxes observed at remote ma
rine sites can be accounted for using a global DMS source of 22 Tg S y
r(-1) in the model. However, this source overestimates DMS air concent
rations by a factor of 2 unless we assume the presence of another DMS
oxidant besides OH and NO3. Inclusion of another DMS oxidant in our mo
del also improves the simulation of the MSA to SO42- concentration rat
io in marine air. Simulated SO42- concentrations in the northern hemis
pheric free troposphere are much lower than in previous global models
and are more consistent with the few observations available. The diffe
rence reflects in part our accounting of efficient scavenging of SO2 a
nd SO42- in wet convective updrafts. Global mean tropospheric lifetime
s computed in our model are 1.0 days for DMS, 1.2 days for SO2, 3.9 da
ys for SO42-, and 6.2 days for MSA. Fossil fuel combustion and industr
ial activities represent 68% of global non-sea-salt sulfur emissions.
About 50% of SO2 globally is converted to SO42- aerosol (principally b
y in-cloud oxidation) while the remainder is removed by deposition (30
% by dry, 20% by wet). In-cloud oxidation of SO2 represents 85% of the
global SO42- source.