Embryogenic cultures (EC) of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were ini
tiated from immature embryos. Whole ovules were used as explants. The
responsive period for initiation began just after fertilization and re
mained throughout the development of first stages of early embryos. Th
e main part of the embryogenic cultures were initiated by the time of
cleavage polyembryony. Strong correlation was obtained between degree
days and the responsive period. During subsequent years the experiment
s were repeated in Finland and Sweden. In all cases the responsive per
iod for initiating embryogenic cultures was the same, about two weeks
after fertilization. In 1991-1993, a total of 138 clones of elite pine
trees were tested for their ability to initiate embryogenic cultures.
Of these, 33% were responsive under our experimental conditions. Base
d on about 300 ovules per clone the number of embryogenic lines induce
d by the responding clones varied from 0.2% to 9.0% of the explants. S
everal nutrient media were found to be suitable for initiation and pro
liferation of ECs. About half of the cell lines responded to abscisic
acid by producing maturing embryos. The embryos reached full maturity
in cultures of only a few cell lines. Some of the embryos that produce
d roots were planted in soil and transferred to a greenhouse.