To evaluate the frequency of subclinical cerebral complications of car
otid endarterectomy, 19 patients were studied before and 1 month after
surgery. Significant neurological complications were detected only in
1 patient (5%), while neuropsychological deterioration was found in 1
2 patients (63%) as compared to 5 (29 %) of 17 control subjects underg
oing other vascular surgery procedures (p < 0.05). MRI detected new ce
rebral lesions in 3 (16%) patients, who also showed a decline In cereb
ral perfusion reserve in the peri-infarct area as assessed by acetazol
amide-enhanced SPET. Global cerebral perfusion reserve declined in thr
ee patients. Quantitative EEG did not reveal deterioration in any pati
ents. The possible prognostic significance of these sublinical complic
ations should be defined.