Despite its terrestrial mode of life, Cardisoma carnifex (Gecarcinidae
) returns to the sea to breed, and its spermatozoon displays all of th
e diagnostic features of thoracotreme sperm: absence (clearly loss) of
the acrosome ray zone; presence of an apical button filling an opercu
lar perforation; concentric lamellation of the outer acrosome zone; an
d the near-horizontal accessory opercular ring. In contrast, Varuna li
tterata (Grapsidae, subfamily Varuninae), a freshwater species, though
again returning to marine (or estuarine) conditions to breed, shows o
nly a negative state, absence of acrosome rays (other than a questiona
ble presence of concentric lamellae) which would place it in the Thora
cotremata. It does not display the grapsid synapomorphy, loss of the t
hickened ring. The distinctness spermatologically of Varuna from other
grapsids is susceptible to a number of explanations among which are:
(1) it is not a grapsid but a thoracotreme descended from a stock whic
h had not yet developed typical thoracotreme spermatozoal ultrastructu
re; (2) it is a grapsid which has lost typical thoracotreme spermatozo
al ultrastructure; (3) it is a heterotreme which has developed a thora
cotreme configuration of genital pores independently of true thoracotr
emes. Of these alternatives, (3) is considered unacceptable, but the c
hoice between (1) and (2) is difficult, although classical taxonomy wo
uld favour alternative (2). Absence of a recognizable acrosome ray zon
e, in Varuna sperm, presence of which is a typical heterotreme feature
is also noted for the heterotremes Potamonautes, Potamon (Potamidae),
and Australocarcinus (Goneplacidae), all of which are freshwater gene