A study of the low-angle region of the static structure factor S(q) (q
=(4 pi/lambda) sin(theta/2); theta:scattering angle, lambda:wavelength
of the radiation in the medium) of a concentrated (44 wt.%) poly(meth
yl-methacrylate) (PMMA) latex by turbidimetry is presented. It is demo
nstrated that S(0), i.e., the structure factor extrapolated to vanishi
ng scattering angle can be obtained in excellent accuracy up to the hi
ghest concentrations. Since S(0) reflects the balance between long-ran
ge attractive and short-range repulsive forces between the latex parti
cles, this quantity can be used to assess the stability of the latex a
gainst flocculation. Special attention has been paid to the influence
of polydispersity on S(0). The analysis of S(q) in the vicinity of q =
0 for the system under consideration indicates the absence of attract
ive forces between the particles.