Lattice model dendrimers interacting with an adsorbing planar surface
are studied by computer simulation, where G is the number of generatio
ns of the dendrimer and A is the interaction strength. With increasing
A, dendrimers are observed to spread out and flatten down on the surf
ace, as expected. In certain regions of G-A space, two competing confi
gurational states, S-2 and S-3, are observed. In S-3 all three dendron
s are adsorbed on the plane. In S-2 two dendrons are adsorbed, while t
he third sits up and away from the surface. G-A space divides into fiv
e separate regions: a desorption region where A is too weak to maintai
n adsorption, a weak adsorption region in which the dendrimer tends to
maintain contact but with only weak perturbation of its shape, a regi
on in which S-2 and S-3 compete because they have comparable free ener
gies and are separated by a modest free energy barrier, a region in wh
ich S-3 dominates because it has lower free energy, and finally a regi
on in which S-2 and S-3 both have high stabilities because they are se
parated by a large free energy barrier. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Sc
ience Ltd.