Given the success of the weak coupling nesting model in explaining the
rmodynamical properties of the Bechgaard salts at low temperatures and
in magnetic fields, we first concentrate on its implications to kinet
ics in the metallic phase. The model results in nonuniversal temperatu
re dependencies of resistivity and magnetoresistance due to proximity
of the metallic and the spin density wave phases, which are in a quali
tative agreement with the available experimental data. We then analyze
whether the phenomenological nesting model can be justified in framew
orks of a more general model of electron-electron interactions in the
one-dimensional system improved by three-dimensional effects of the in
terchain hopping. Properties of the Bechgaard salts look consistent wi
th the Hubbard model with a weak repulsion. Considerable high temperat
ure variation of the magnetic susceptibility is ascribed to localizati
on of electrons by quasi-elastic scattering on thermal phonons. The fa
ct that these materials correspond to the half-filled (hole) band was
crucial for the analyses. Except for a new energy scale, introduced by
the temperature of a spin density wave transition, no other electroni
c correlation effects stem from the analysis.