In the present study saddle joints of the thumb and neighboring joints
of 100 anatomic specimens are examined with regard to radiological an
d macroscopic arthrotic alterations. Comparisons of radiological and m
acroscopic findings demonstrate that early arthrotic articular alterat
ions cannot be diagnosed radiologically. Almost half of the hands exam
ined displayed arthrotic lesions in the saddle joint of the thumb, whe
reas the trapezoido-scaphoidal and trapezio-scaphoidal joints are each
affected in one third. Hands with manifest thumb saddle joint arthros
is are accompanied by arthrotic alterations of the joints between the
scaphoid, trapezium and trapezoid in two-thirds of the cases. In the r
emaining radial intercarpal joints, no macroscopic evidence can be asc
ertained of arthrotic alterations. Among the processes discussed as ca
usal factors of simultaneous incidence of scaphoidal and carpo-metacar
pal arthroses, the architecture of the osseous carpus, the individual
expression of the scaphoid bone and poly- or secondary arthrotic proce
sses are important.