The motion aftereffect (MAE) was used to study the temporal and spatia
l frequency selectivity of the visual system at supra-threshold contra
sts, Observers adapted to drifting sine-wave gratings of a range of sp
atial and temporal frequencies. The magnitude of the MAE induced by th
e adaptation was measured with counterphasing test gratings of a varie
ty of spatial and temporal frequencies, Independently of the spatial o
r temporal frequency of the adapting grating, the largest MAE was foun
d with slowly counterphasing test gratings (at approximately 0.125-0.2
5 Hz). The largest MAEs were also found when the test grating was of s
imilar spatial frequency to that of the adapting grating, even at very
low spatial frequencies (0.125 c/deg), These data suggest that MAEs a
re dominated by a single, low-pass temporal frequency mechanism and by
a series of band-pass spatial frequency mechanisms, The band-pass spa
tial frequency tuning even at low spatial frequencies suggests that th
e ''lowest adaptable channel'' concept [Cameron et al. (1992). Vision
Research, 32, 561-568) may be an artifact of disadvantaged low spatial
frequencies using static test patterns. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier S
cience Ltd.