The Kinlochlaggan Boulder Bed occurs in Neoproterozoic Dalradian rocks
of the Grampian Mountains of Scotland. It is currently thought to rep
resent a glacial event (c. 800 Ma) unique in the North Atlantic region
, and be part of a sequence correlated by different workers with eithe
r the Grampian or Appin groups. We correlate the Boulder Bed with the
Port Askaig Tillite of Vendian (e. 650 Ma) age, and deduce that the se
quence in which it occurs belongs to the younger Argyll Group. The lat
ter is preserved within the D2 Kinlochlaggan Synform, and a previously
unrecognized discontinuity of regional importance may separate invert
ed Argyll Group rocks from the underlying Grampian Group.