Malignant otitis externa is a necrotising infection of the external ea
r canal which may spread to include the mastoid and petrous parts of t
he temporal bone, leading to skull base osteomyelitis. It is almost ex
clusively caused by infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and usually
occurs in elderly non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. However is
olated cases have been reported in a small number of non-diabetic pati
ents, particularly in children who are immunocompromised due to malign
ancy, malnutrition and severe anaemia. In 1984 a case of malignant oti
tis externa was reported in a child with an acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS)-like illness, prior to identification of the human imm
unodeficiency virus (HIV). Since that time further sporadic cases of t
his invasive infection have been reported in HIV and AIDS. We present
two further cases and also a review of the current literature.