Objective.-To examine the current supply and distribution of gastroent
erologists and project future supply under various scenarios to provid
e a paradigm for workforce reform. Design.-An analysis of current prac
tices and distribution of gastroenterologists and a demographic model,
using the 1992 gastroenterology workforce as a baseline, Main Outcome
Measure.-Comparison of current supply, distribution, and practice pro
files with past data and future projections, using analyses of data fr
om the 1993 Area Resource File, 1992 Medicare Part B file, age- and se
x-specific death and retirement rates from the Bureau of Health Profes
sions, managed care staffing patterns, the National Survey of Internal
Medicine Manpower, and the Bureau of the Census. Results.-Rapid growt
h in the number of US gastroenterologists has resulted in a gastroente
rologist-to-population ratio double that used on average by health mai
ntenance organizations. In addition, the work profile of gastroenterol
ogists is shared significantly by primary care physicians and other sp
ecialists, with the exception of a few specific and uncommon procedure
s, Conclusions.-Empirical evidence suggests that, even in the absence
of detailed models to describe the desired supply/need balance for gas
troenterology, the US health care system and clinicians may benefit fr
om a reduction in gastroenterology training programs. The Gastroentero
logy Leadership Council endorsed a goal of 25% to 50% reduction in tra
inee numbers over 5 years, and recent National Resident Matching Progr
am data indicate that a voluntary downsizing process is in full force,
This study illustrates a paradigm for workforce planning that could b
e useful for other medical specialties.