The electronic Husimi distribution eta((r) over right arrow,(p) over r
ight arrow) is a ''fuzzy'' density in phase space. Sections through th
is function with a zero momentum variable ((p) over right arrow=0), ar
e shown to be indicative of the spatial locations of chemical bonds an
d ''free electron pairs'' in molecules. The distribution eta((r) over
right arrow;0) tends to focus on the inter-nuclear regions in position
space. The Laplacian del(r)(2) eta((r) over right arrow;0), of the fu
nction may be used to enhance its diffuse features. The argument is ma
de that the momentum-space Hessian of the Husimi function at the momen
tum-origin ((p) over right arrow=0), includes information about the ''
flexibility'' of the electrons and the anisotropy of the latter. The d
iagonalization of this tensor supplies a pictorial map of preferred di
rections of electrons in the low-momentum, i.e., ''valence'' region of
momentum space. Examples studied in this paper include the H-2, N-2,
CH4, H2O, C2H4 and C6H6 systems in their Hartree-Fock approximation. (
C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.