Researchers in the field of health behavior change have traditionally
relied on a univariate criterion measure to evaluate the efficacy of a
n intervention. Such measures have superficial face validity but suffe
r from a number of problems: (a) lack of precise definitions; (b) poor
statistical power; and (c) a lack of meaningfulness for some aspects
of the problem. As an alternative, a theoretical model is developed th
at attempts to define more appropriate multivariate sets of dependent
variables for the study of health behavior change. The model involves
three separate constructs: Positive Evaluation Strength, Negative Eval
uation Strength, and Habit Strength. The pattern of change for each co
nstruct is described across four stages of change: Precontemplation, C
ontemplation, Action, and Maintenance. For each construct, two thresho
lds are proposed representing the ability of the environment to modify
the construct. Four tests of the model are provided from existing dat
a sets. First, a structural model analysis was used to test if the pro
posed measurement model adequately fits the data. Second, a dynamic ty
pology approach produced profiles of change that are consistent with t
he model. Third, a time series analysis provided support for the assum
ed model. Fourth, longitudinal, five-wave panel design was employed to
test if the relation between the two cognitive variables (Pros and Co
ns) and the behavioral measure (Habit Strength) was consistent with th
e model. Implications for alternative intervention strategies are disc