Trip distribution analysis involves determination of the pattern of tr
ip interchanges between landuse parcels or traffic zones using an appr
opriate analytical technique. The different analytical techniques avai
lable for trip distribution can be broadly grouped into two types: gro
wth-factor methods and synthetic methods. The gravity model is one of
the commonly used synthetic models for trip distribution This paper de
als with the estimation of travel deterrence for trips made for differ
ent purposes and by different modes through calibration of two types o
f gravity model formulations, using the data set pertaining to a mediu
m-size city with a complex travel environment in India. Stratified dat
a of home-based trip distribution for three trip purposes, and trips m
ade by five different modes, were used for calibrating the model formu
lations. Models of type I formulation were calibrated by the cell-by-c
ell comparison procedure and those of type II formulation as per the B
ureau of Public Roads (BPR), United States of America method. The para
meter values obtained for the models of both formulations were found t
o be logical and statistically significant. Modeling of the stratified
trip distribution, apart from yielding models of better predictive po
wer, has provided insight into the relative effect of travel deterrenc
e on trips made for different purposes and by different modes.