Objective. The purpose of this study was to validate an in vitro metho
d of testing first metatarsophalangeal joint mechanics. Design. We com
pared the orientation of the resultant moment of hallucal plantarflexi
on in cadaveric specimens undergoing loading of the flexor hallucis lo
ngus to the plane of the active great toe plantarflexion moment in nor
mal volunteers. Background. Frontal plane deviation of hallucal planta
rflexion is a fundamental component of the altered biomechanics in hal
lux valgus. Methods. The cadaveric model utilized dynamic loading of t
he flexor hallucis longus and static loading of the remaining muscles
of the great toe. the in vivo method involved measurement of force out
put with isometric hallucal plantarflexion in the standing position. T
he medial-lateral and superior-inferior forces as well as the angle of
the resultant moment in the clinically relevant frontal plane for bot
h groups were quantified. Results, We found no significant difference
between the frontal plane forces of each group. The directional orient
ations in the frontal plane also displayed a marked similarity, with a
n average lateral deviation of 0.63 degrees (P = 0.99) for each group.
Conclusions. The lack of a significant difference between the cadaver
ic and clinical methods of finding the resultant hallucal moment indic
ates that the cadaveric method accurately simulates in vivo internal f
lexor muscular loading of the great toe.