Two models of electrohydration of stratum corneum (SC) are developed.
According to the first model, the hydration of one interbilayer region
is considered assuming that water molecules are adsorbed on the nonho
mogeneous surface of the bilayer and can interact with each other ther
eby lowering their energy on the surface. The dependence of the hydrat
ion degree on the voltage across the skin is found. At certain paramet
er values the hydration degree rapidly grows at certain voltage up to
values at which continuous water pathways appear. In the second model
the macroscopical approach is applied. It is presumed that water is pr
esented in the interbilayer region in the form of microdrops. The depe
ndence of the hydration degree on voltage is also founded. Our major c
onclusions based on these two models are the following. Macropores are
the main ways for the transport of small ions at low voltages (U simi
lar to 1-5 V). The observed nonlinear current-voltage behavior of huma
n skin at low voltage can be attributed to the electroporation of the
epithelial cells laying walls of the macropores. Upon the voltage incr
ease this process reaches the saturation. However, the electroporation
of SC lipid lamellae becomes possible at voltages of the order of ten
s volts. The obtained values of the interbilayer region hydration degr
ee at such voltage values are sufficient for generation of electroindu
ced hydrophilic pores in the SC lipid phase but are insufficient for a
ppearance of tortuous continuous pathways for the transport of small i
ons. We suggest that small ions pass the skin by the straight way thro
ugh corneocites and lipid bilayers at voltages of the order of tens vo
lts and higher.