Sa. Buckler et Ka. Zien, THE SPIRITUALITY OF INNOVATION - LEARNING FROM STORIES, The Journal of product innovation management, 13(5), 1996, pp. 391-405
Sooner or later most established companies face a mid-life crisis. Jus
t like many people, these companies somehow lose the drive, the excite
ment, and the enthusiasm of their youth. Rather than continue to push
the envelope, these companies focus on their cove competencies and try
to maintain order through a proliferation of policies and procedures.
On the other hand, some companies (and some people) manage to sustain
their innovative, entrepreneurial spirit. A handful of mature compani
es somehow maintain an environment in which employees continually gene
rate added value for customers and the company alike. How do they do i
t? How do these mature companies continue to foster invention and inno
vation? Recognizing that stagnation and decline are not faits accompli
s for all companies, Karen Anne Zien and a cross-functional team condu
cted in-depth interviews at several highly innovative firms. The inter
viewees provided insight into the culture, the characteristics, and th
e principles that set these companies apart from the competition. Perh
aps the greatest insight comes from the stories these people tell. The
se war stories-the corporate myths and legends-provide a simple means
for communicating and reinforcing the shared values that distinguish t
hese companies. For example, a manager's recollection of Hewlett-Packa
rd's effort to develop a pen plotter (and in particular Bill Hewlett's
role in this development) demonstrates that innovation is a companywi
de activity that requires the active, ongoing involvement of leaders a
t the highest levels of the organization. Senior people in these innov
ative companies foster a sense of community and common purpose and thu
s create an environment that encourages employees to explore new ideas
and, if necessary, break the old rules. Through both formal and infor
mal means, these companies also encourage frequent interaction between
technical and marketing people. Corporate leaders energize these matu
re, but still innovative, companies, by providing context and communic
ating a dynamic vision. Storytelling offers a particularly evocative m
edium for articulating this vision. Rather than bore newcomers with he
avy tales of the good old days, however the most effective leaders con
tinually reshape these stories to offer fresh insights, uncover new ch
allenges, and reinforce the notion that every employee can and should
contribute their full potential.