An automated technique for estimating the channel open time of human e
nd-plate acetylcholine receptors (AChR) is described. The method, whic
h is based on the power spectral analysis of electromyographic end-pla
te noise, is simple and permits a rapid estimation of the dominant ACh
R ion channel kinetics. Values of AChR channel open time determined by
spectral analysis of end-plate noise in adults (1.23 +/- 0.01 ms at 3
3 degrees C) were consistently shorter than those estimated from the d
ecay phase of extracellularly recorded miniature end-plate potentials.
The channel open time extracted from the end-plate noise compared wel
l with that derived from the analysis of in vitro recorded acetylcholi
ne-induced current noise. Therefore, spectral analysis of end-plate no
ise may provide a good estimation of the kinetics of the human AChR io
n channel. The technique is particularly useful in identifying congeni
tal myasthenic syndromes with altered AChR ion channel function. (C) 1
997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.