The main objectives of this observational study are to examine the sta
bility dependence of velocity and air temperature spectra and to emplo
y the spectral quantities to establish relations for eddy diffusivity
over forests. The datasets chosen for the analysis were collected abov
e the Browns River forest and the Camp Borden forest over a wide range
of stability conditions. Under neutral and unstable conditions the no
ndimensional dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) over t
he forests is lower than that from its Monin-Obukhov similarity (MOS)
function for the smooth-wall surface layer. The agreement is somewhat
better under stable conditions but a large scatter is evident. When th
e frequency is made nondimensional by the height of the stand (h) and
the longitudinal velocity at this height (u(h)), the Kaimal spectral m
odel for neutral air describes the observations very well. The eddy di
ffusivity formulation K = c sigma(w)(4)/epsilon provides a promising a
lternative to the MOS approach, where sigma(w) is the standard deviati
on of the vertical velocity and epsilon TKE dissipation rate. Current
datasets yield a constant of 0.43 for c for sensible heat in neutral a
nd stable air, a value very close to that for the smooth-wall surface
layer. It is postulated that c is a conservative parameter for sensibl
e heat in the unstable air, its value probably falling between 0.41 an
d 0.54. In the absence of epsilon data, it is possible to estimate K f
rom measurements of the local mean wind u and air stability. As a spec
ial case, it is shown that K = 0.27(uh/u(h))sigma(w) under neutral sta
bility. This relation is then used to establish a profile model for wi
nd speed and scalar concentration in the roughness sublayer. The analy
sis points out that u(h) and h are important scaling parameters in att
empts to formulate quantitative relations for turbulence over tall veg