Gremmeniella abietina, the causative agent of Scleroderris canker in c
onifers, has been separated into three races: European, North American
and Asian. Recent studies have suggested that the European race in Fe
nnoscandinavia may be divided into two types. We show that these types
cannot be identified with their protein patterns obtained under denat
uring conditions, but the two types can be separated based upon presen
ce or absence of a 26-28 kD immunoreactive double band in western blot
ting. Polyclonal antibodies, either crude or purified with preparative
western blotting, detected this double band in all tested 25 isolates
classified as type B or short tree type but not in any of 27 isolates
of type A or large tree type. This immunoassay was used to type 10 un
classified isolates. The results indicated that short tree type of the
Swedish classification is immunologically identical to the Finnish ty
pe B and large tree type is identical to the type A. Thus, in Fennosca
ndinavia the European race can be divided into two serovars as previou
sly suggested by random amplified polymorphic DNA markers.