We report a nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) and nuclear magnetic re
sonance (NMR) study of the Ba isotopes, (135) Ba and Ba-137, in YBa2Cu
4O8. The Knight shift, at 298 K, is zero indicating that no mobile cha
rge carriers are present at the Ba site. The temperature (T) dependenc
e of v(Q), which is caused by thermal expansion, can be described by a
power law. The electric field gradient tensor at the Ba site is in go
od agreement with band structure calculations. The spin-spin relaxatio
n rate is nearly constant between 56 and 400 K. The spin-lattice relax
ation mechanism is of quadrupolar origin and its T dependence can be d
escribed perfectly by a two-phonon Raman process with a Debye temperat
ure of 185(20) K, which agrees with the thermal conductivity result. T
hus, the Ba site in YBa2Cu4O8 does not sense the spin fluctuations of
the CuO2 plane.