At present the equipment for manufacturing carbamide mineral fertilize
rs is produced from domestic steel 03Kh17N14M3 having ''carbamide qual
ity.'' Imported equipment also used in the industry is produced from s
teel of the 25-22-2 (Cr-Ni-Mo) type shipped by various firms, namely,
2RE69 (Sandvik, Sweden), 254SFER (Avesta, Sweden), 2522LCN (VDM, Germa
ny), DM 1.4466 (Germany), and X2CrNiMo 25-22-2 (Dalmine, Italy). The i
mported steels are used because in some units steel 03Kh17N14M3 does n
ot provide the requisite corrosion resistance in an intensified proces
s of carbamide manufacturing. We currently possess domestic high-alloy
ed steel for producing new and repairing imported equipment operating
under the severe conditions of carbamide synthesis. The present paper
concerns the structure, mechanical properties, and corrosion resistanc
e of industrially produced steel 02Kh25N22AM2 (ChS-108) and the recomm
ended range of its application.