The replication mechanics of the extrachromosomal DNAs of the malaria
parasite are beginning to be unravelled. At 6 kb, the mitochondrial ge
nome is the smallest known and, unlike higher eukaryotes, its multiple
copies per cell occur as polydisperse linear concatemers. Here, Don W
illiamson, Peter Preiser and Iain Wilson discuss recent evidence that
this DNA replicates by a process akin to those of certain bacteriophag
es, which make use of extensive recombination coupled with rolling cir
cles. The parasite's second extra-chromosomal DNA, a 35 kb circular mo
lecule thought to be a plastid remnant inherited from a remote photoau
totroph, probably replicates in a move familiar fashion from conventio
nal origins or D loops. Improved understanding of both organelle's rep
licative mechanisms could give new leads to malaria chemotherapy.