Neural transplantation therapy as a possible alternative treatment for
neurological movement disorders, such as in Parkinson's disease (PD)
has accentuated research interest on the immune status of the central
nervous system (CNS). Most animal studies concerned with neural transp
lantation for the treatment of PD have utilized dopamine (DA) neurons
from tissues of the embryonic ventral mesencephalon. Rat embryonic DA
neurons, grafted either as solid blocks or dissociated into a cell sus
pension and stereotaxically injected intraparenchymally into a rat les
ion model of PD, have been shown to survive and form connections with
the host brain, and ameliorate the behavioral deficits of PD. Similarl
y, studies on nonhuman primate models of PD provide considerable suppo
rt for neural transplantation of DA neurons as an experimental clinica
l procedure for the treatment of PD. To this end, experimental clinica
l trials have been centered upon transplantation of the embryonic vent
ral mesencephalic cells for PD patients. Although not conclusive, the
findings from clinical studies have provided some evidence that most p
atients with marked increases in fluorodopa uptake (indicating graft s
urvival) have been immunosuppressed. Furthermore, immune reactions hav
e been observed in rats xenografted with human embryonic tissue. Of no
te, embryonic ventral mesencephalic tissues compared to adult tissues
produce better morphological and long-lasting behavioral amelioration
of the neurobehavioral deficits of PD, thus advocating the use of graf
ts from young donors (embryo) to circumvent the CNS immune rejection.
The possible graft rejection due to CNS immune reactions, coupled with
the social and ethical problems surrounding the use of embryonic neur
al tissue, and the logistical problems concerning tissue availability
have prompted the development of alternative sources of DA-secreting c
ells. To circumvent these obstacles, several methods have been suggest
ed including the use of immunosuppressants such as Cyclosporine-A, tra
nsplantation of autografts, polymer-encapsulated DA-secreting cells, c
o-culturing and co-transplantation of DA-secreting cells with microcar
rier beads, with Sertoli cells, or with fragments of a monoclonal anti
body that can mask the MHC class I antigens, and genetically modifying
cells that can withstand CNS immune reactions. Some of these techniqu
es allow transplantation of allograft (same species transplantation),
or even xenograft (cross species transplantation) without immunosuppre
ssion of the recipient. We discuss recent CNS immunosuppression techni
ques that pose some promise for enhanced survival of neural grafts. Wh
en possible, advantages and disadvantages of each method are presented
. Hopefully, such critical analysis of different immunosuppression tec
hniques will produce innovated ideas that will lead to a better unders
tanding of CNS immune response and its modulatory function on graft re
jection and survival.