Behavioural therapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder represents the ps
ychotherapeutic treatment of first choice. The basic principle of beha
vioural therapy is exposing the patient with those situations evoking
obsessive thoughts or compulsions in vivo and preventing rituals by re
action management. Cognitive approaches should be integrated. 50 to 70
% of patients treated show significant improvement. The treatment of O
CD with serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) is well established and e
qually effective. It seems likely that selective SSRI (fluoxetine, flu
voxamine, paroxetine or sertraline) do not differ in their therapeutic
effectiveness from clomipramine, which has proved to be the first eff
ective drug in OCD, However, selective SSRI show fewer side effects. T
reatment of patients with OCD needs two to three times higher dosages
compared with those commonly prescribed in depression. Usually it last
s 8 to 10 weeks until an improvement is observed. The therapeutic effe
ctivity of a combination of behavioural therapy with SSRI is superior
to a monotherapeutic approach. Further it reduces relapse rates in cas
e of cessation of the psychopharmacological treatment.