A computer model for the dynamics of meandering rivers has been used t
o study the interplay between the migrating river and the changing sed
imentary environment created by the meandering river itself. The model
is based on. the theory of Ikeda et al. [1981] and is closely related
to that proposed by Howard [1983]. Coarser sands, which are often ass
ociated with high erodibility, are deposited in the point bars formed
when the river migrates away from its former bank. Fine-grained materi
al eventually fills the oxbow lakes created by cutoff processes and fo
rms erosion-resistant plugs. In the simulations, geometric forms of in
dividual meanders observed in different natural sedimentary environmen
ts have been reproduced by changing the erodibility of the correspondi
ng sedimentary materials, such as point bar deposits, flood plain depo
sits, and oxbow lake deposits. The simulations indicate that the typic
al meander wavelength is determined mainly by hydraulic factors such a
s the flow in the channel and the inclination of the underlying flood
plain and is independent of the difference in the erodibilities of sed
imentary deposits. The computational approach permits exploration of l
ong-term changes in the floodplain geology, mediated by the meandering
river. As an initial demonstration, the formation of meander belts is
investigated using the model. The results suggest that a meander belt
will be formed by a river's own cutooff loops only if the characteris
tic time of deposition and solidification of an oxbow lake is longer t
han the typical time that it takes the river to migrate downstream ove
r the distance of a meander-loop wavelength.