Plastics, such as those accumulated within the scope of Germany's Dual
es System Deutschland, a packaging recycling scheme, were tested for t
heir suitability as reducing agents in the blast furnace process. It w
as found that all the relevant parameters were met and that waste plas
tics can therefore be used as a substitute for coal or oil in blast fu
rnaces. A system of waste plastics injection was developed in several
stages and an industrial installation with an annual capacity of 70 00
0 t built at blast furnace II of Stahlwerke Bremen. Its operation is a
ccompanied by numerous tests and measurements. Seen as a central eleme
nt of the measurement programme are the measurements of dioxin and fur
ane emissions which, in all cases, have been found to be at extremely
low and hardly detectable levels. An ecobalance undertaken by independ
ent institutes shows plastics recycling in blast furnaces to occupy a
top ecological placing compared with the other feedstock recycling pro