A cyclonic gyre controls the advection of source waters into the forma
tion areas of bottom water in the southern and western parts of the We
ddell Sea and the subsequent transport of modified water masses to the
north. Determination of the structure of the Weddell Gyre and of the
associated transports was one of the objectives of the ''Weddell Gyre
Study'' which began in September 1989 and ended in January 1993. The c
ollected data set comprises records of moored current meters and profi
les of temperature and salinity distributed along a transect between t
he northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and Kapp Norvegia. The circ
ulation pattern on the transect is dominated by stable boundary curren
ts of several hundred kilometers width at the eastern and western side
s of the basin. They are of comparable size on both sides and provide
nearly 90% of the volume transport of the gyre which amounts to 29.5 S
v. In the interior, a weak anticyclonic cell of 800 km diameter transp
orts less than 4 Sv. Apart from the continental slopes, the near-botto
m currents flow at some locations in an opposite direction to those in
the water column above, indicating a significant baroclinic component
of the current field. The intensity of the boundary currents is subje
ct to seasonal fluctuations, whereas in the interior, time scales from
days to weeks dominate. The large-scale circulation pattern is persis
tent during the years 1989 to 1991. The heat transport into the southe
rn Weddell Sea is estimated to be 3.48 x 10(13) W. This implies an equ
ivalent heat loss through the sea surface of 19 W m-2, as an average v
alue for the area south of the transect. The derived salt transport is
not significantly different from zero; consequently, the salt gain by
sea ice formation has to compensate almost entirely the fresh water g
ain from the melting ice shelves and from precipitation. Estimation of
water mass formation rates from the thermohaline differences of the i
nflow and outflow through the transect indicates that 6.0 Sv of Warm D
eep Water are transformed into 2.6 Sv of Weddell Sea Bottom Water, int
o 1.2 Sv of Weddell Sea Deep Water and into 2.2 Sv of surface water.