BIN1 is a novel protein that interacts with the functionally critical
Myc box regions at the N terminus of the MYC oncoprotein. BIN1 is stru
cturally related to amphiphysin, a breast cancer-associated autoimmune
antigen, and RVS167, a negative regulator of the yeast cell cycle, su
ggesting roles in malignancy and cell cycle control. Consistent with t
his likelihood, BIN1 inhibited malignant cell transformation by MYC. A
lthough BIN1 is expressed in many normal cells, its levels were greatl
y reduced or undetectable in 14/27 carcinoma cell lines and 3/6 primar
y breast tumours. Deficits were functionally significant because ectop
ic expression of BIN1 inhibited the growth of tumour cells tacking end
ogenous message. We conclude that BIN1 is an MYC-interacting protein w
ith features of a tumour suppressor.