We report the pathological characteristics of a variant of mammary end
ocrine tumour, predominantly formed from cytologically bland spindle c
ells. This neoplasm grows as a red, well defined mass lacking the usua
l macroscopical characteristics of breast cancer. Within smoothly cont
oured aggregates arranged in an insular pattern, delicate capillaries
and collagen bundles support the neoplastic epithelial cells. Most of
the tumour cells possess a slender spindle shape and form a solid or f
enestrated sheet, but a few appear cuboidal and create glands. Immunoh
istochemical studies demonstrate that the spindle cells and the glandu
lar cells constitute a single population. Both types of cells stain fo
r neuroendocrine markers (chromogranin, synaptophysin, and CD 57), car
cinoembryonic antigen, keratin 8/18, S-100 protein, and receptors for
oestrogen and progesterone. Many of the tumour cells possess argyrophi
lic granules, and electron microscopy may reveal dense core granules.