Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy is a well-recognized clinical syndr
ome that has been described in patients after an episode of migraine w
ith visual aura (classic migraine) and, less commonly, after an episod
e of visual aura without headache (acephalgic migraine). Little emphas
is, how ever, has been placed on migraine-associated retrobulbar or po
sterior ischemic optic neuropathy. We report two cases of visual loss
presumed to be due to posterior ischemic optic neuropathy that occurre
d in the setting of otherwise typical migraine episodes. We review the
English language literature on ischemic optic neuropathy associated w
ith migraine. Although most cases of ischemic optic neuropathy associa
ted with migraine are of the anterior variety, posterior ischemic opti
c neuropathy should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any
patient with acute loss of vision and evidence for a retrobulbar opti
c neuropathy, during or after an attack of migraine headache or follow
ing an otherwise typical episode of visual aura without headache (acep
halgic migraine).