According to the original Ellsberg (1961) examples there is uncertaint
y aversion if the decision maker prefers to bet on an urn of known com
position rather than on an urn of unknown composition. According to an
other definition (Schmeidler, 1989), there is uncertainty aversion if
any convex combination of two acts is preferred to the least favorable
of these acts. We show that these two definitions differ: while the f
irst one truly refers to uncertainty aversion, the second one refers t
o aversion to increasing uncertainty. Besides, with reference to Choqu
et Expected Utility theory, uncertainty aversion means that there exis
ts the core of a capacity, while aversion to increasing uncertainty me
ans that the capacity is convex. Consequently, aversion to increasing
uncertainty implies uncertainty aversion, but the opposite does not ho
ld. We also show that a completely analogous situation holds for the c
ase of risk and we define a set of risk and uncertainty premiums accor
ding to the previous analysis.