This study compared gender differences in a non-treatment sample of cr
ack cocaine users interested in participating in a research study on a
ddiction. Data was collected from initial telephone screening intervie
ws of women and men responding to cocaine research recruitment in a mi
dwest urban environment over a two-year period. Female respondents (n
= 88) were age- and race-matched with men interviewed over the same ti
me period, for a total sample size of 176. Mean age of the female samp
le was 33 years and the majority were African-American. Basic demograp
hics were similar for both genders. Respondents had first used cocaine
at 24 years of age and currently smoked 2 g cocaine/day for 5 days/we
ek, a rate higher than that found in many treatment samples. Women wer
e found to have significantly higher rates of cigarette smoking, heada
ches and history of suicidal ideation, and significantly more women re
ported emergency room visits following crack use than did men. Equal n
umbers of men and women had been convicted of a crime (56%), with sign
ificantly fewer women reporting having committed a crime involving vio
lence. Nearly all respondents (94%) reported that crack use had negati
ve effects on their value systems, and significant numbers of both gen
ders reported involvement with bartering crack and sex. Two-thirds of
women able to become pregnant used no method of birth control and the
use of barrier methods was infrequent. Forty-two percent admitted to u
sing cocaine during pregnancy. These data indicate that while patterns
of crack use per se do not differ between women and men in this sampl
e, community outreach programs may benefit from focusing on other asso
ciated behaviors that do show differences between genders.