The simultaneous availability of clinical data and radiographs for ort
hopedic or traumatology studies is still unsatisfactory. The retrieval
of radiological files is especially time-consuming and costly. An exi
sting database holding clinical data for about 2200 consecutive patien
ts after pelvic or acetabular fractures (1972-1995) was supplemented b
y integration of a commercially available picture data base. Data acqu
isition is performed by a digital photocamera, which is easy to use an
d provides sufficient resolution (1524x1012 pixels). The picture data
are optimized but not compressed and, for example, an a.p. pelvic view
requires only between 800 KB and 1.5 MB of storage room. Mass storage
is performed first on magneto-optical discs and later for permanent s
torage on CD-ROM. ''Clinical'' and picture databases are linked by a m
acro, so the search functions of both databases are available. Thus th
e clinical data for single patients or group of patients can be analyz
ed parallel to the corresponding radiographs. By the use of a CD chang
er, more than 4200 radiographs remain in immediate access. So far more
than 3000 radiographs for 350 patients have been acquired, The qualit
y was sufficient for even detailed subclassification and reclassificat
ion procedures in over 95% of the cases. Using standard formats and in
terfaces, the pictures can be either printed in photographic quality o
r processed as slides for presentation, Using a standard format they h
ave complete access to electronic publishing and mailing, The relative
ly low price (20,000-30,000 DM) for the complete system and the exclus
ive use of standard, commercially available hard and software componen
ts provide an excellent price/quality relationship and make digital ra
diograph storage now available for smaller working groups and institut