Transvaginal color Doppler has made possible to study ovarian and uter
ine perfusion in non-pregnant and pregnant patients, thus advancing th
e understanding of the early human development. RI of follicular blood
flow starts decreasing prior to ovulation reaching its nadir at ovula
tion. It is considered that apart from hormonal factors the angiogenes
is is also involved. The mature corpus luteum shows increased blood fl
ow velocity in relation to preovulatory follicle. Comparing RI values
of luteal blood flow of normal and ectopic pregnancy no difference was
found. But in threatened, incomplete and missed abortions the resista
nce and pulsatility indices were significantly higher than in normal p
regnancy. The follow up of the luteal flow might have a prognostic val
ue in a group of patients with threatened abortion. In women with spon
taneous cycles the day preceding the ovulation impedance to uterine fl
ow velocity starts decreasing. Alterations in flow velocity patterns o
f the radial and spiral arteries in spontaneous ovulatory cycles are p
aralleling blood flow dynamics of the uterine arteries. In stimulated
cycles RI increases the day before ovulation in both the uterine arter
ies and their branches. It seems that endometrial perfusion presents m
ore accurate noninvasive assay of uterine receptivity than uterine art
ery perfusion alone. Endometrial receptivity is maximum during the tim
e of peak luteal function during which implantation is most likely to
occur. During the pregnancy impedance to blood flow decrease from the
main uterine to the spiral arteries as well as with the advancing gest
ational age. The spiral arteries in pregnancy become the vessels with
completely different haemodynamic characteristics in relation to other
arteries of uteroplacental circulation. Color Doppler adds new inform
ation on perfusion and pathophysiological changes connected with the e
ctopic trophoblast implantation.