Cryopreservation of porcine embryos would greatly facilitate the maint
enance of genetic resources and the practical application of embryo tr
ansfer programmes. In this study, the effect of the stage of developme
nt of porcine embryos (pre-hatch vs post hatch) on the post thaw viabi
lity of blastocysts was evaluated, The blastocysts had been recovered
from superovulated donor gilts and frozen in 1.5M glycerol according t
o a standard slow cooling protocol, From 444 frozen-thawed embryos, 30
2 (68 per cent) were judged to be viable and were used for a 24-hour c
ulture experiment in modified Whitten's medium (n=89) or transferred t
o three synchronous (n=72) or seven asynchronous (-24 hours) recipient
s (n=141). The proportion of embryos surviving in culture was signific
antly (P=0.05) greater for those frozen as post hatch (17/34) than as
pre-hatch blastocysts (8/36). Although transfer of frozen-thawed embry
os to synchronous recipients did not result in a pregnancy, two of the
asynchronous recipients, which received 15 and 22 embryos, became pre
gnant and farrowed five and three piglets, respectively, at normal ter
m, In spite of the overall inefficiency of the cryopreservation proced
ure used in this study, the birth of piglets from two successful trans
fers of frozen-thawed blastocysts suggests that further study of the c
ryopreservation protocols would be worthwhile.