This survey aimed to assess the extent and pattern of nse of suxametho
nium for elective tracheal intubation in children and the occurrence o
f major complications. A postal questionnaire was sent to 280 consulta
nt anaesthetists and senior registrars in the West Midlands Region, Of
the 180 replies received, 84% of respondents use suxamethonium routin
ely. Usage,vas more common amongst those more recently trained (all an
aesthetists with less than 10 years experience reported using suxameth
onium for routine intubation compared with 81% of those with over 20 y
ears experience). Reported side effects directly attributable to suxam
ethonium were common, the most freqent being cardiac arrhythmias (espe
cially bradycardia) following the first dose (24% respondents) oi the
second dose (43%), and prolonged apnoea (36% of respondents). There we
re 13 reported cardiac arrests (requiring external cardiac massage), t
hree of which were associated with repeat dosing and one with undiagno
sed. Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Three cases of documented hyperkalae
mia did not lead to cardiac arrest. There were two deaths, neither of
which could be solely attributed to the use of suxamethonium. We concl
ude that suxamethonium remains popular in paediatric practice and that
minor side effects are common and usually preventable. Life-threateni
ng reactions are rare and until a truly comparable alternative is prod
uced this drug will continue to be toed in children.