This article presents a taxonomy of sublinear keyword pattern matching
algorithms related to the Boyer-Moore algorithm [3] and the Commentz-
Walter algorithm [5,6]. The taxonomy includes, amongst others, the mul
tiple keyword generalization of the single keyword Boyer-Moore algorit
hm and an algorithm by Fan and Su [9,10]. The corresponding precomputa
tion algorithms are presented as well. The taxonomy is based on the id
ea of ordering algorithms according to their essential problem and alg
orithm details, and deriving all algorithms from a common starting poi
nt by successively adding these details in a correctness preserving wa
y. This way of presentation not only provides a complete correctness a
rgument of each algorithm, but also makes very clear what algorithms h
ave in common (the details of their nearest common ancestor) and where
they differ (the details added after their nearest common ancestor).
Introduction of the notion of safe shift distances proves to be essent
ial in the derivation and classification of the algorithms. Moreover,
the article provides a common derivation for and a uniform presentatio
n of the precomputation algorithms, not yet found in the literature.