Nitrification inhibitors (NIs) such as dicyandiamide (DCD) and nitrapy
rin [2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)pyridine] (NP) slow the nitrification
process, thus reducing N losses from leaching and denitrification. In
field studies (1990-1994) on a Renfrow silt loam (fine-silty, mixed,
thermic Udertic Paleustolls) near El Reno, OK, we evaluated these two
NIs and their placement effects on nitrification of applied urea in so
ils and on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yields. Urea at 60 kg N ha(-1)
treated with or without NIs was placed 3 to 4 cm below the seed (BL)
at seeding or was broadcast (BR) after seeding on the day of seeding,
with no N as control. Mineral N forms were determined in the 0- to 30-
cm soil zone in fall and spring. Differences in soil mineral N concent
ration below the 10-cm depth were minimal (but higher than the control
) in all N treatments. In the 0- to 10-cm depth, BL placement of NI-tr
eated urea significantly reduced nitrification in the fall compared wi
th BR urea with or without NIs, except in 1994. Soil mineral N content
in spring was similar with either placement of NI-treated urea, but w
as significantly greater than untreated BR urea. Warm temperatures and
dry soil in the fall tended to reduce the effectiveness of surface-ap
plied NIs. The highest NH4+ percentage in total soil mineral N was obs
erved with DCD BL or NP BL, followed by NP BR and DCD BR. Urea treated
with NIs increased grain yield from 7 to 31% above untreated urea. Gr
ain yield was highest with DCD BL (31%), followed by DCD BR (26%) and
NP BR (24%), compared with the broadcast untreated urea. Grain N yield
was 140 g kg(-1) greater with DCD-N than with untreated urea. Deep pl
acement of DCD under no-till winter wheat in the southern Great Plains
can reduce nitrification and increase N availability under varying ye
ar-to-year environmental conditions and can improve wheat grain yield
and grain N compared with surface broadcast of urea with or without NI