Runoff losses of land-applied animal manure constituents can adversely
affect the quality of downstream waters. Reliable mathematical simula
tion models can help estimate runoff losses of animal manure constitue
nts and identify management measures to reduce these losses. The objec
tive of this study was to develop and calibrate an event-based simulat
ion model to describe the runoff transport of solids (soil and manure
particles) and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) from areas treated
with animal manure. The resulting model, consisting of linked hydrolog
y, soil/manure transport, and nutrient transport components, is proces
s-oriented and uses measurable parameters to the greatest degree possi
ble. The three components of the model were calibrated sequentially (h
ydrology, soil/manure transport, and nutrient transport, in order) usi
ng data from plot-scale field experiments involving grassed plots trea
ted with poultry litter. The calibrated parameter values were generall
y consistent with previously published values. Transport of total susp
ended solids, ammonia-nitrogen, dissolved phosphorus, and total phosph
orus was well-predicted by the model. Transport of nitrate-nitrogen, h
owever, was overpredicted by approximately an order of magnitude, whil
e total Kjeldahl nitrogen transport was underpredicted by approximatel
y an order of magnitude. Improvements in model structure (e.g., using
different equations to describe the release of nitrate from the litter
to the soil and assuming a significant proportion of organic nitrogen
to be soluble) and parameter selection appear warranted to improve pr
ediction of nitrate and total Kjeldahl nitrogen losses.