A case of malignant chondroid syringoma on a foot with multiple bone m
etastases is presented. An 18-year-old male patient first noticed a pr
otruding mass on the plantar surface of his right foot at 9 years of a
ge. A sweat gland tumor of a benign nature was diagnosed and excised a
t that time. The tumor recurred three times during the 10 years after
surgery and was finally diagnosed as malignant syringoma chondroid syr
ingoma. Multiple hone metastases involving the calcaneus, talus and fi
bula of the lesion side were found after extensive radiologic survey.
The patient underwent below-knee amputation with total removal of the
fibula. However, pelvic bone metastasis developed 1 year after the amp
utation. He died of this disease due to brain and diffuse bony metasta
sis 36 months after the amputation. This is a rare case of malignant c
hondroid syringoma with a long history but ominous outcome. We recomme
nd that sweat gland tumors be carefully examined and treated more radi
cally when there is a suspicion of malignancy.