One-dimensionally periodic fivefold quasicrystals have been found in t
he Al-Co-Ni system. They are characterized by a fivefold rotation axis
as a unique symmetry element in selected-area electron diffraction (S
AED) patterns which is consistent with contrast features in high-resol
ution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) images. The composition
s of the samples are Al72.5Co20Ni7.5 and Al72.5Co19Ni8.5 respectively.
The break of the tenfold symmetry in the SAED patterns taken normal t
o the periodic axis, which contradicts Friedel's law, can be understoo
d as being caused by dynamical scattering effects. In corresponding HR
TEM images a homogeneously distributed pentagonal contrast feature due
to an identical cluster is found in only one of the two orientations
compatible with a tenfold aperiodic tiling. Based on a model with this
fivefold-symmetric cluster in only one constant orientation, dynamica
l calculations of the electron diffraction patterns were made for a sm
all patch of the structure. They corroborate the observation of a brea
k of the tenfold symmetry in the SAED patterns for a specimen thicknes
s of more than 30 nm.