Objective: To ascertain the status of journal club within emergency me
dicine (EM) residency programs and to describe 3 currently used format
s. Methods: The directors of U.S. Residency Review Committee for Emerg
ency Medicine (RRC-EM)-approved residency programs were surveyed to de
termine the features of their programs' journal clubs. Responses to 3
questions assessing the degree of satisfaction (5-item scales from ver
y good to very poor) with the ''current format,'' ''resident participa
tion,'' and ''faculty participation'' from the survey were grouped acc
ording to the program director's impressions of resident and faculty '
'enjoyment'' (2 3-item scales) and whether the journal club is a ''suc
cess'' (3-item scale) to develop an overall satisfaction index. Three
journal club formats currently in use at EM residencies are described
in detail. Results: Of the 101 directors surveyed, 91 (90%) responded.
The respondents' overall satisfaction index was highest when the jour
nal club was held in the evening (p < 0.008) or at a faculty member's
home (p < 0.0004). The format of the journal club (e.g., by topic, wit
h a statistical focus, with a research design focus, or as a clinical
practice update) was not associated with the overall satisfaction inde
x. Conclusion: Journal clubs associated with EM residencies vary in fo
rmat and perceived success. The 3 representative journal clubs illustr
ate different format options.