Agricultural decisionmakers often base climate-related decisions solel
y on experience, Ideally, these management decisions should be based o
n quantifiable information, obtained by examination of long-term clima
tological records, The need to quickly and easily quantify climatic in
formation was the primary incentive for the development of ClimProb (s
hort for climatological probabilities). ClimProb, a PC-based IBM-compa
tible software package, is a tool that helps guide decisions by develo
ping probabilities of climatic events based on the climatological hist
ory of a particular weather station, This software package allows tile
user to choose from 17 temperature options, six precipitation options
, and eight degree day options, ClimProb's design is unique in two way
s, First, the user defines a time window specific to a particular appl
ication, Second, the user chooses values for thresholds, accumulations
, acid extremes related to this application. ClimProb's tabular output
can be saved or printed, Tt can also be graphically represented as a
time series, cumulative probability distribution, or histogram, There
are over 800 data sets for tile 48 contiguous states available for use
in ClimProb. Originally developed for extension education, the softwa
re now has broader applications including research, classroom instruct
ion, and service/outreach.