Noninvasive Doppler and B-mode sonography of the extra- and intracrani
al arteries are highly sensitive and specific. They provide important
diagnostic information and are routinely used in a wide spectrum of di
sorders including stenosis due to arteriosclerosis, vascular malformat
ions and subarachnoid haemorrhage. New developments include extracrani
al colour-coded Duplex sonography that improves the evaluation of athe
rosclerotic plaques and the differentiation of high grade stenosis fro
m complete occlusion. Colour-coded transcranial Duplex sonography is c
urrently evaluated and shows promising preliminary results. Indirect f
low parameters can be used to assess increased intracranial pressure o
r complete circulatory arrest as in suspected brain death. Such parame
ters have also been used successfully in subcortical arteriosclerotic
microangiopathy and vasculitis. Functional Doppler tests have been dev
eloped to estimate the cerebrovascular reserve capacity as in high gra
de carotid stenosis when cerebral perfusion may be critically low. Ear
ly results using Doppler to detect increased cerebral blood flow after
cognitive or mental stimuli are currently evaluated. Transcranial Dop
pler monitoring during cardio- and cerebrovascular surgery and interve
ntional neuroradiological procedures provide important information on
cerebral haemodynamics. Embolic material originating from various sour
ces can be detected using transcranial Doppler monitoring. The introdu
ction of echo enhancing contrast agents that are stable during heart-l
ung passage will improve the accuracy of ultrasound imaging even in th
ick skulls. Other new developments concentrate on high resolution intr
avascular Doppler measurements to reconstruct vascular structures or t
he real-time assessment of the dynamics of arteriosclerotic lesions.